Online Casinos In Ukraine

The casino returns to Ukraine in 2020 after 11 years of ban. The new extensive law regulates many nuances of the gambling business and promises to create optimal conditions for businesses, gamblers, and ordinary citizens.

Ukrainian Online Casinos Ukraine does have one or two legal betting sites, but they are not online casinos. The Eastern European country has run the rule over online lottery and poker rooms and deemed them to be legal if they are licensed and regulated by the Ministry of Finance.

In accordance with the law, people who are under the age of 21 are not allowed to take part in gambling in Ukraine; they are also prohibited to work in casinos and being involved in organizing other gambling.

On July 14, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading and in general the law “On state regulation of the activities of the organization and conduct of gambling”, which legalizes the gambling business in the country. The adoption of the law was announced on the website of the parliament. International operators such as Parimatch and Michael Boettcher’s Storm International have already expressed interest in the Ukrainian market.

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What Does The New Casino Law Say?

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In accordance with the law, only a few types of gambling business are allowed in Ukraine, namely:

  • organization of gambling in casinos and online casinos;
  • accepting bets at bookmakers, including via the Internet;
  • opening of the slot machines halls;
  • conducting online poker games, while sports poker tournaments are not considered gambling.

The organization of gambling is allowed only to companies – residents of Ukraine, among the leaders and owners of which there are no citizens of the “aggressor country”, the law says (Kyiv recognized Russia as such a country). In addition, other requirements must be met.


In accordance with the law, casinos in Ukraine are allowed to open in a large five-star hotels in cities (in Kyiv – at least 150 rooms, in other cities – at least 100), as well as on the territory of suburban complexes where five-star hotels are located, as well as on the territory special gambling zones created by the decision of the government of Ukraine. Such zones (no more than five in the entire country), according to the law, can be created either outside of settlements, or inside them, but far from residential areas, as well as in territories whose socio-economic development requires “additional incentives.”

The law prohibits gambling in the temporarily occupied territories, to which the Ukrainian authorities include Sevastopol and Crimea, which became part of Russia, as well as the regions of Donbass not controlled by Kyiv, in which the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics were created.

Bookmakers are only allowed to accept bets on real events, not virtual games or events “the outcome of which is determined by the random number generator.” In addition, it is forbidden to accept bets on events “having signs of encroachment on the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” moral and ethical norms of society and constitutional rights of citizens. At the same time, bookmakers and betting points are prohibited to be located in the premises of state and local authorities, cultural institutions (museums, libraries, etc.), schools, universities, hospitals, religious buildings, etc.

The halls of slot machines (at least 50 machines in one room) the law allows to open in hotels not lower than the three stars category, which have at least 50 (for Kyiv) or 25 (for the rest of Ukraine) rooms. At the same time, slot machine halls cannot be created in settlements where less than 10 thousand people live.

In accordance with the law, persons under the age of 21 are not allowed to take part in gambling, they are also prohibited from hiring to work in casinos and being involved in organizing other gambling. In addition, it is forbidden to admit to gambling incapacitated and those whose legal capacity is limited, as well as people in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.

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Prospects For Business And Government

Experts approve of the fact that Ukraine has finally legalized the gambling business. It is one of the last countries in Europe to adopt extensive gaming legislation. The undoubted plus is that a very profitable business will come out of the shadows. The practice of other European countries shows that this not only fills the budget, but also improves the criminal situation, since all actions of participants in the business process are regulated.

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Parimatch experts see great prospects in Ukraine, therefore, consultations with lawyers have already begun. A large operator plans to enter the Ukrainian market in accordance with all the rules, therefore it is seriously studying the real situation and legislation.

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Darren Keane, Storm International CEO, also expressed interest in working in the country. Big cities and resort areas are very convenient for opening VIP complexes. In addition, the company Storm International sees prospects for the citizens of Ukraine when will be opened the units of Shangri La, Michael Boettcher noted. Already today, many Ukrainians work in the company’s foreign units, who are eagerly awaiting the opening of units in their native country and plan to return to work closer to their families.

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In general, the forecasts for the development of the gambling business in Ukraine are positive; many investors are ready to start a business here. This will also serve as an impetus for the development of the tourism sector, because we are talking about the development of gambling zones in recreational areas.